resultentry #riderrider usef #horsetrainertrainer usef #
1 269 Banco Marianna 5531933 First Impression Hurst Brittany E 4131789
2 221 Thomas Logan 5291880 Crowned Prince Dowling Michael 129060
3 270 Oehlmann Abigail 5750972 Howie Doin Hurst Brittany E 4131789
337 Fasano Sydney 5533415 Boy Blue Trzesinski Vanessa K trainer must join 233446

Activations require valid USEF number in results!

Membership activation data is based on Rider's or Trainer's correct USEF number being submitted with results from competition organizer. If results data received from competition organizer do not contain correct USEF number a member's points may be marked invalid until corrected.

For point corrections please e-mail