resultentry #riderrider usef #horsetrainertrainer usef #
1 1412 Lowe Matthew R 248123 Argos Dibongrazio Ashley A 268748
2 1396 Schillat Leslie 246996 Federal Express Cohen Marissa trainer must join 286039
3 1224 Joyce Christopher 5181432 Puccini Oliver Kate E 125700
4 1101 Kavulich Grace 5161930 Match Point Babington Dianna J 232650

Activations require valid USEF number in results!

Membership activation data is based on Rider's or Trainer's correct USEF number being submitted with results from competition organizer. If results data received from competition organizer do not contain correct USEF number a member's points may be marked invalid until corrected.

For point corrections please e-mail