resultentry #riderrider usef #horsetrainertrainer usef #
1 197 Primavera Bella 5279134 Carrico Sun Belmont Cassie 5041500
2 204 Stack Zadie 5644649 Ringo Starr Belmont Cassie 5041500
3 247 Lehner Valentina 5363047 Ipswich Belmont Cassie 5041500
4 261 Leong Alexa 5213839 Vancouver Humphrey Jill trainer must join 207031

Activations require valid USEF number in results!

Membership activation data is based on Rider's or Trainer's correct USEF number being submitted with results from competition organizer. If results data received from competition organizer do not contain correct USEF number a member's points may be marked invalid until corrected.

For point corrections please e-mail