13. NHSAA / ASPCA Maclay

resultentry #riderrider usef #horsetrainertrainer usef #
1 348 Fisherman Eva M 5189356 It's Easy Time Kennedy Cormac 4679996
2 344 Gilbert Emily A 5067022 Coco Chello Lindstedt John trainer must join 254650
3 335 Ahern Madeline A 4569284 Quadalup Gillis-Ahern June 270538

Activations require valid USEF number in results!

Membership activation data is based on Rider's or Trainer's correct USEF number being submitted with results from competition organizer. If results data received from competition organizer do not contain correct USEF number a member's points may be marked invalid until corrected.

For point corrections please e-mail cindy@nhs.org